Saturday, July 25, 2009


Wake up at 5:30, for morning exercise and chores with the children at the New Life Project in Kanachanaburi!! Well, that was the intial plan, but getting everyone up was a struggle. That said, Cynthia, Emily, Tatiana, Pin and myself managed to muster up the strength to get a VERY early start on the day.

After breakfast, it was play time with our buddies. Our kids did an amazing job keeping them entertained for over an hour as the foundation prepared a powerpoint presentation about the New Life Project. The session was informative but what really stood out were the stories of how many of the children ended up at the New Life Center. Some of the kids were abused and one girl had actually been *living* in the back of a pickup truck.

Rice planting: You wouldn't think so, but this was definitely the highlight of the day. Well, perhaps not the rice planting part, but certainly the all out mudfight and subsequent pond swin were a big hit...although I am not sure who started it ;)

The rest of the day was just a blur of actvities: from games, to food, to dressing up in traditional Thai costumes. The finale was a candlelit procession to the river where we released our kratongs (individually handmade thai small floating votives of banana leaves and trunk)which we made earlier that afternoon.

It's been a long day, but I think that everyone would agree that it has once again been very fulfilling. I'd let you know but everyone is in bed and I will be joining them soon. Goodnight!!


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